The Top 10 Groundbreaking Discoveries of the James Webb Space Telescope.

“The James Webb Space Telescope is not just a window to the stars — it’s a time machine, revealing the secrets of the universe’s past and unlocking the mysteries of galaxies light-years away.”

Aayushi Vaish
7 min readSep 12, 2024

The most ambitious and potent space telescope ever constructed is the James Webb Space Telescope. It claims to be able to reveal the origins of stars and planetary systems, the genesis of the first galaxies, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. This telescope marks a significant advancement in our understanding of the universe.

The Ariane 5 launch vehicle’s rockets roared to life on December 25, 2021, causing the earth in French Guiana to quake. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will travel 930,000 miles (1.5 million kilometers) to its new home starting this month. The 6.5-meter telescope was finally ready for use after five more months of work by engineers and scientists, but the wait was well worth it. The two years after the JWST’s debut have seen a revolution in our knowledge of the universe.

1. The initial (Early) supermassive black holes

Two supermassive black holes in space. The black holes should appear as dark spheres with bright glowing.



Aayushi Vaish

An Explorer of the Infinite Multiverse . MS - Physics , Northeastern University.